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I am a japanese artist, I am based in Japan. 

I have drawn a picture since I was a child and It had began naturally, because I love to do.

Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Visual Communication Design in 2006. 

Then I had worked as a designer at some company’s while working at the company, the other side I had drawn pictures and I held some private exhibitions in Tokyo.


Then I have been working as an artist since 2015.

I also create poster designs using my own artworks and handles everything from direction to completion.


武蔵野美術大学 造形学部 視覚伝達デザイン学科 卒業。



2022 -Solo exhibition-

""RAY WATANABE - I and I and I and ......∞ -" 

▶︎Art Gallery Kamakura Komachi (in i-ZA Kamakura) 
▶︎Saturday, September 17 - Wednesday, September 28, 2022 

2021 -Group exhibition-

" Art Of Giving vol.6 " 

▶︎Friday, December 17, 2021 - Saturday, December 25, 2021 

2021 -Group exhibition-


最旬なアーティスト6名が織りなす彩りあるアート  (Colorful art by six of the most promising artists)

参加アーティスト (Participating Artists)

安齋歩見 / Karu Shao / 中西瑛理香 / NAO YOSHIHARA / 本橋 孝祐 / Ray Watanabe

▶︎2021年3月29日(月)〜2021年4月16日(金)   (Date March 29, 2021  ~ April 16, 2021 )

▶︎渋谷スクランブルスクエア14F +Art Gallery  (At Shibuya Scramble Square 14F +Art Gallery)

詳細はこちら (More details)

2018 -Group exhibition-

The retirement exhibition at Musashino Art University
This exhibition is the professor who is a famous graphic designer and I created a new piece of work for this exhibition to participate.

” 新島実と卒業生たち ̶そのデザイン思考と実践 1981-2018 “
主 催:武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館 協 力:武蔵野美術大学 視覚伝達デザイン学科研究室 監 修:新島実
(武蔵野美術大学 視覚伝達デザイン学科教授) 出展作家:新島実+視覚伝達デザイン学科新島実ゼミ卒業生

2010 -private exhibition-

[ 3GO  (“Ego”) ]
I drew some pictures and designed three clothes which I drew.
Materials: indian ink pen / acrylic gouache / crayon / pastel crayon / pen / Japanese paper / board / cloth / ink for cloth

2008 -private exhibition-

[ふたたび  (“Again”) ]
 I drew three big pictures which size is 96cm×188cm (about 38inch×74inch).
Materials : indian ink pen / acrylic gouache / crayon / conte pastel / pastel crayon / pen / Japanese paper

2007 -private exhibition-

[こんにちは  (“Hello”) ]

I created some three-dimensional works with Japanese paper. These were shaped various stuff. One of them was in the shape of a flying pan, One of them was my shoulder and half of my chest. I took these models with Japanese paper.

Materials : indian ink pen / acrylic gouache / crayon / pastel crayon / pen / Japanese paper

 Poster design  ~Art direction, artworks and design~
​(ポスターデザイン ~ アートディレクション、アートワーク、デザイン) 


Open Symposium“Prospects for collaboration between next generation integrated bioimaging and mathematics ”日本学術会議 公開シンポジウム「次世代統合バイオイメージングと数理の協働の展望」


 IMS-JSI International Symposium on Immunology 2018“ Checkpoint in medical science and its technology “
(直訳:IMS-JSI国際免疫学シンポジウム2018 “医学とその技術におけるチェックポイント")
<理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター 様>

公開シンポジウム 「新たな発見をもたらす科学における計測と予知・予測」
“Measurement and prediction and prediction in science bringing new discoveries” 
<大阪大学 蛋白質研究所 様>


 IMS-JSI International Symposium on Immunology 2017
“ Decoding Immune Complexity from Cell to System “
<理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター 様>


 IMS-JSI International Symposium on Immunology 2016
“ Immune homeostasis and diseases ”
<理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター 様>


“RIKEN IMS-JSI International Symposium on Immunology 2015”
.<理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター 様>



Creema's Crowd Funding Project 

Selected as one of the participating artists of PUBLIC ART PROJECT "ENLIGHT 2021".

PUBLIC ART PROJECT “ENLIGHT 2021” の参加アーティストの1人として選出

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